Maa Chandraghanta – Third Aspect of Navadurgas

Pindaja pravararutha candakopastra kairyuta |
Prasadam tanute mahyaṁ candra ghanṣṭeti visruta || 

Maa Chandraghanta is the third manifestation of Devi Durga and is worshipped on the 3rd day of Navratri for peace, tranquility and prosperity in life. The Goddess wears the half moon in a bell shape, thus  this form of the Goddess is known as Chandraghanta. She has a ‘chandra’ or half moon in her forehead in the shapeofa ‘ghanta’ or bell. That is why she is called ‘Chandraghanta’. She is charming, has a golden bright complexion and rides a lion. Goddess Chandraghanta mounts on the tigress.
Depicted with ten hands, Goddess Chandraghanta carries Trishul, Gada, Sword and Kamandal in her four right hands and keeps the fifth right hand in Varada Mudra give blessings to her devotees.
She carries lotus flower, Arrow, Dhanush and Japa Mala in her four left hands and keeps the fifth left hand in Abhaya Mudra.
During the battle between the Gods and demons, the horrible sound of the Goddess' bell or ghanta sent thousands of demons to the abode of death. Her warring pose shows Her eagerness to destroy all the bad forces which are troubling Her devotess. Goddess Chandraghanta is the representation of Supreme bliss and knowledge. It is said that by Her blessings, all the sins, sufferings, bad energies etc are eliminated from Her devotees' life. By riding a tiger She inspires Her devotees to be fearless. By worshipping Goddess Chandraghanta one gets rid of all the worldly sorrows and attains supreme spiritual bliss.
Her appearance may be of a source of power which is always busy killing and suppressing the bad and wicked. However, for her devotees, Maa is serene, gentle and peaceful. By worshipping Maa Chrandraghanta, you will open the doors to great respect, fame and glory. Maa also helps you attain spiritual enlightenment. Her idol, which symbolizes both beauty and bravery, gives you the strength the keep the negative energy away and repels all the troubles from your life. 

Navrarti Bhog For Maa Chandraghanta

On this day, milk, sweets made of milk or Kheer is offered as a Bhog to Mata Chandraghanta.
While offerening Bhog to god, Brahmans are also fed and Dakshina is given. Offering Kheer to Mata Chandraghanta frees the person of all his pains and receives extreme joy and happiness.


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